Shower drain extension
The Bath Buoy makes sure you don't overfill the bath-tub by turning your shower into a convenient bath-like zone. The simple design naturally seals around the drain and when the water reaches the height of 1 7/8", it will overflow the top and head straight down the drain.
More on TheBathBouy
MOnitoring toddlers activity
LittleBeats is a device equipped with sensors to measure heart rate, motion, and a microphone to record audio. The device is developed for monitoring infants and toddlers activity and study their development in their everyday life.
More on LittleBeats
Safe and easy to wire outlets and switches
Houseworth Enterprises has patented a modular plug that makes it easy and safe to replace outlets and switches. The wiring module consists of a plastic rectangular case, inside which all the electrical connections reside. The system is touch safe and resistant to dust, insects and other contamination that can cause electrical shorts.
More on Houseworth Modules